In a 34-page judgment, the Supreme Court of Mauritius has dismissed a constitutional challenge brought by Rajen Valayden, a contestant in the recent municipal elections, against...
Supreme Court – Post-PSAC Admission: Rajen Valayden Goes on the Counteroffensive. Rajen Valayden challenges the explanations provided by the Ministry of Education, Deputy Prime Minister Leela...
The Department of Education and MES defend their decision. Rajen Valayden and his son Shankaran received support from some citizens on Monday, February 19th. Activist Rajen...
Rajen Valayden is still fighting to secure a place for his son at the Mahatma Gandhi Institute (MGI). The Minister of Education and the Mauritius Examinations...
Rajen Valayden’s motion: Leela Devi Dookun-Luchoomun’s position awaited in court. The editor-in-chief of “Capital” magazine, Rajen Valayden, speaks about discrimination. This resident of Stanley, Rose-Hill, laments...
Mauritian social activist Rajen Valayden has filed a complaint against the Ministry of Education, seeking clarification as to why his son was not accepted into MGSS...