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ENL Foundation, SME Mauritius train women to be ‘entrepreneurs of tomorrow’



ENL Foundation, SME Mauritius train women to be 'entrepreneurs of tomorrow'

Twenty-six women have successfully completed the programme, ‘Femmes Entrepreneurs de Demain’ (Women Entrepreneurs of Tomorrow), an initiative of the ENL Foundation and the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie.

They received their certificates during an award ceremony this week after being coached, during eight weeks, by the ENL Foundation and SME Mauritius on how to start and grow a business.

Speaking at the event, Vice-President of the Republic Eddy Boissézon evoked his own advocacy for the promotion of women’s financial independence as well helping vulnerable families to attain economic empowerment, which he emphasised can indeed be achieved through the creation of SMEs. 

Johan Pilot, Executive Director at ENL, said the ENL Foundation is actively engaged to provide support to vulnerable citizens.  

He observed that the beneficiaries of the programme have been trained and equipped to start their businesses and advised them to create a dynamic network among themselves and to support each other in their ventures.

The training covered topics like idea generation, uniqueness of the business, as well as the necessary documents to launch a lawful business and negotiation skills, amongst others. Additionally, topics such as Business Plan and facilities offered by SME Mauritius were also highlighted to help the beneficiaries.

The beneficiaries also got the opportunity to have a first contact with customers through the different fairs organised by SME Mauritius at Flacq and Rose Belle.

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