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Mauritius tax agency launches e-invoicing, to oversee all transactions



Mauritius tax agency launches e-invoicing, to oversee all transactions

The Mauritius Revenue Authority (MRA) has launched an e-Invoicing project through which it will have access to all invoicing information between the seller and the buyer.

“The platform will include an Electronic Billing System (EBS) and an Invoice Fiscalisation Platform (IFP),” Dhanraj Ramdin, Director of the Medium and Small Taxpayers Department at the MRA, was cited as saying.

“When a customer makes a purchase in a shop and checks out, the cashier processes the purchase, but before the invoice is issued, the invoice details are sent by the EBS to the MRA’s IFP.

“The invoice fiscal data will be sent back by IFP to the Point of Sale (POS). The cashier will have to print and remit thefiscalised invoice with a QR code to the customer,” he explained.

The customer will then be able to check whether the invoice has been taxed on the IFP MRA by scanning the QR Code with a smartphone. The project follows amendments to the Value Added Tax Act where businesses will be required to electronically log into the MRA system to record all invoices, including debit notes and credit notes.

The project will be implemented in phases, starting with large businesses, then moving to small businesses.

In order to use the new mechanism, businesses will have to acquire equipment and software that is compliant with the e-invoicing system.

Source: Defi Media

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