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Report on Kistnen’s assassination is ready, but won’t be disclosed



Report on Kistnen's assassination is ready, but won't be disclosed

The report on the high-profile judicial inquiry into the death of political agent Soopramanien Kistnen is ready and has reportedly been submitted to the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP).

The report, which l’Express newspaper described as being “voluminous” – about 1,400 pages – is said to contain key documents and the conclusions of the Magistrate Vidya Mungroo-Jugurnath.

The latter has, since December 2020, been listening to breath-holding claims and revelations on the death of the MSM agent.

Kistnen was reportedly one of the key agents of the MSM ruling party in constituency No.8 (Quartier Militaire / Moka) and allegedly played a key role in handling the party’s finances during the 2019 general elections.

What was initially labelled by Police as a suicide gradually unveiled wider ramifications, including attempts to change the course of the inquiry, the non-availability of CCTV footage, discovery of confidential documents involving politicians, intimidation and political pressure.

It also emerged that Kistnen’s assassination could be connected to his alleged threats to make public several fraudulent schemes involving government officials and controversial business people.

The partially charred body of Soopramanien Kistnen, known as Kaya, was found in a cane field in Telfair, Moka on October 19, 2020.

The judicial inquiry was requested by his widow, Simla Kistnen, through lawyers Sanjeev Teeluckdharry and Rama Valayden.

Along the way, Yogida Sawmynaden, Minister of Commerce, force-quit his office and is alleged to be linked to the case.

L’Express said the content of the report, including the Magistrate’s conclusions, has been kept confidential, until it is thoroughly studied by the Office of the DPP.

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