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MK Faces EASA Audit: Big Stakes after Technical Malfunctions



MK Faces EASA Audit: Big Stakes after Technical Malfunctions

The upcoming technical audit by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) next month represents a crucial moment for Air Mauritius (MK), primarily due to recent technical breakdowns experienced by the fleet.

This thorough inspection is not only necessary to ensure compliance with the strict safety standards established by EASA but also to reassure passengers and commercial partners about the reliability of services offered by the airline.

For MK, receiving approval from this audit to maintain its Approved Maintenance Organization status is crucial, especially after recent incidents.

EASA, as the primary regulatory body for aviation safety in the European space, plays an essential role in harmonizing regulations and certifying aircraft types.

It ensures that each aircraft in service adheres to strict safety standards established after decades of experience and technical development.

The Maintenance and Repair Organization (MRO), located at Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam International Airport, already holds approval as an Approved Maintenance Organization from the civil aviation department and EASA.

This means that MK also complies with EASA standards, enabling it to maintain aircraft registered in Europe.

For MK, receiving approval from this audit is crucial, especially after recent incidents, as it would demonstrate its ability to maintain high levels of safety and operational reliability.

Aircraft maintenance is a critical aspect that will be meticulously evaluated during this audit. This includes examining maintenance procedures, personnel qualifications, as well as documentation and tracking of anomalies and repairs.

This evaluation could define the airline’s position in the international market, particularly in the current context where travelers and regulators are increasingly attentive to safety standards given the recurring technical breakdowns that aircraft encounter.

EASA is responsible for certifying all aircraft developed and produced in Europe. For EASA, the initial level of safety must be maintained throughout the product’s lifespan.

MK will have to report incidents encountered during flight operations and maintenance work, and these reports will be analyzed during the audit. This process will help quickly detect potential risks.

Following the evaluation, EASA will be called upon to take necessary measures to maintain the highest possible standards of aviation safety.

Note that non-European airlines are subject to the same types of inspections to ensure they benefit from the same levels of safety as their European counterparts.

This technical audit by EASA is much more than a mere formality for MK; it is a crucial step that can determine its future in an industry where trust is as important as the quality of service offered.

The results of this audit will be crucial in determining if MK indeed maintains reliability and safety standards in line with international requirements.

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Source: L’express

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