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Taekwondo: Mauritian Sheldon Yan Too Sang Clinches Gold Medal



Taekwondo: Mauritian Sheldon Yan Too Sang Clinches Gold Medal

In a remarkable display of skill and resilience, Mauritian taekwondo athlete Sheldon Yan Too Sang secured the gold medal at a prestigious international tournament held at the Ga-Mashiae Hall.

Competing in the U40 category, Yan Too Sang emerged victorious in the final, defeating Algerian competitor Merdasi Moh Nasir.

Despite facing unexpected challenges prior to the competition, Yan Too Sang’s determination and talent propelled him to the top of the podium.

The journey to gold was not without its obstacles. A night before the tournament, Yan Too Sang was shocked to discover that organizers had mistakenly registered him in the U30 category.

Alongside his father and coach, Sylvestre Yan Too Sang, he endured a sleepless night grappling with this setback.

Fortunately, the issue was resolved the following day, allowing Yan Too Sang to compete in his rightful category, U40.

Facing tough opponents from the Maghreb region, Yan Too Sang showcased his skill and composure throughout the competition.

In a tense battle, he first defeated Tunisian competitor Wissem Ghandour with a score of 7.865 points against 7.835.

Progressing to the quarterfinals, he continued his winning streak by triumphing over Egyptian athlete Amr Nasrel with a score of 8.170 points against 8.005. Securing his place in the final, Yan Too Sang outperformed Ghanaian opponent Gérald Sarfo in the semi-finals.

Reflecting on his journey to victory, Yan Too Sang expressed his initial nerves against the Tunisian representative but regained confidence as the competition progressed.

Despite facing a formidable opponent in the final, he remained focused on delivering his best performance.

Ultimately, his superior stability and technique in poomsae secured the gold medal, bringing pride to his nation.

Following his triumph, Yan Too Sang extended gratitude to his wife Sarah, training partners Annejulie César and Albans Veerabadren, members of the “Taekwondo Sports Club Rose-Hill,” his family, and especially his father and coach, Sylvestre Yan Too Sang, for their unwavering support.

Proudly observing Yan Too Sang’s success, Sylvestre Yan Too Sang, an 8th Dan taekwondo master, commended his son’s performance, affirming his international caliber.

Meanwhile, Mario Hung Wai Wing, a revered figure in Mauritian taekwondo and a 9th Dan master, lauded Yan Too Sang’s achievement as a source of inspiration for practitioners nationwide.

Recognizing Yan Too Sang’s triumph over globally renowned competitors and his impressive victory on foreign soil, Wing hailed his accomplishment as truly remarkable.

Source: l’Express

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