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US Applauds Mauritius: 3 Steps Closer to Human Rights



US Applauds Mauritius: 3 Steps Closer to Human Rights
US Applauds Mauritius: 3 Steps Closer to Human Rights

The United States has commended Mauritius for its advancements in combatting financial crimes and promoting human rights. During the Universal Periodic Review of Mauritius, the US praised the nation’s proactive measures in dealing with alleged financial crimes and police misconduct.

Led by Honourable Mr. Maneesh Gobin, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Regional Integration, and International Trade, the Mauritian delegation was well-received by the US.

The US stressed the significance of consistently and promptly enforcing the law based on investigation outcomes, recognizing Mauritius’ commitment to justice. The US applauded the country’s efforts to hold individuals accountable for criminal activities.

Additionally, the US acknowledged Mauritius’ dedication to enhancing legal protections for victims of trafficking and individuals with disabilities. The decriminalization of consensual same-sex conduct was also celebrated as a notable step towards equality and human rights.

To aid in Mauritius’ progress, the US offered recommendations, including the active enforcement of laws against corruption and expeditious judicial procedures for corruption cases.

Measures to ensure accountability for abuses perpetrated by the police, security forces, and other authorities were also encouraged. Moreover, the US urged Mauritius to finalize the enactment and implementation of comprehensive legislation guaranteeing the rights of individuals with disabilities, ensuring equal protection under the law.

With optimism, the United States looks forward to witnessing Mauritius’ continued endeavors in upholding justice, human rights, and equality for its entire populace.

Source: Geneva US Mission

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