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PM’s Statement Raises Questions on Extended Government Term



PM's Statement Raises Questions on Extended Government Term
PM's Bold Statement Raises Questions on Extended Government Term

During his New Year’s Eve speech, the Prime Minister’s statement intrigued many. “I know there will be a lot of speculation about the general elections.

Let me reiterate, this government was elected for five years. We will complete our mandate, which means until the end of 2024 and possibly even beyond,” he declared.

What does this exactly mean? Legally, the current government has the right to stay in power until May 2025. Technically speaking, they can rule for nearly another year and a half before calling for elections.

This isn’t the first time the Prime Minister has hinted at the possibility of continuing after fulfilling their five-year contract.

On May 23rd, during his speech in Parliament on the Local Government (Amendment) Act, which allows for the postponement of municipal elections, Pravind Jugnauth stated that “if all goes well as we hope, electoral reform will be ready and applicable for the next general elections, which, according to the law, should be held no later than May 2025, six months after the dissolution of the current Parliament.”

As per Article 57(2) of the Constitution, the Parliament can continue for five years after the date of the first session of the Assembly following general elections and will then be dissolved.

The Parliament convened for the first time on November 21st after the elections held on November 7th, 2019. Legally speaking, the Parliament can, therefore, continue until November 20th before its automatic dissolution.

Considering the “writ of elections,” the “nomination day,” and other procedures outlined in the law, the general elections can be held up to six months after the dissolution of Parliament.

By utilizing the maximum possible timeframe, the general elections must take place no later than around May 20th.

Source: Defi Media

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