Student Loans: Which Bank Gave What?
Between 15 April 2013 to 30 November 2023, the Mauritius Commercial Bank Limited approved loans of Rs1.97 billion to students under normal banking terms and Rs22.8million under the government scheme.
Absa Bank (Mauritius) Limited approved Rs11.9million under the government scheme.
HSBC approved Rs103,042,307 under normal terms and Rs4,352,200 under the government scheme. SBM Bank (Mauritius) Ltd approved Rs631,776,111 under normal terms and Rs16,640,700 under the government scheme.
MauBank Ltd approved Rs140,783,700 under normal terms and Rs18,436,897 under the government scheme. BCP Bank (Mauritius) Ltd approved Rs14,320,000 under normal terms and Rs4,683,458.
Bank One Limited approved Rs78,093,060 under normal terms and Rs344,000 under the government scheme.
SBI (Mauritius) Ltd approved Rs19,630,000 under normal terms and Rs400,000 under the government scheme.
ABC Banking Corporation Ltd approved Rs12,953,000 under normal terms and Rs122,500 under the government scheme.
Overall, a total of Rs2,975,558,582 in loans were approved under normal banking terms and Rs75,020,337 under the government scheme.
Other banks such as Bank of Baroda, Habib Bank Limited, Standard Bank (Mauritius) Limited, and AfrAsia Bank Limited did not provide data.
Source: Bank of Mauritius