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Ex-DPP: Mauritius approaching elected dictatorship



Ex-DPP: Mauritius approaching elected dictatorship
Image source: Defi Media - Ex-DPP: Mauritius approaching elected dictatorship

Former Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), Satyajit Boolell, has spoken out about the growing threat of an “elected dictatorship” in Mauritius during a conference for the Journalists Association of Mauritius (JAM).

Boolell discussed various challenges faced by the Mauritian press, including self-censorship, outdated laws, and the impact of social media on journalism.

He highlighted ethical concerns surrounding the spread of fake news and censorship, and expressed concern over journalists avoiding controversial topics.

He called for criteria to be established to prevent government control over media and the allocation of state advertisements to compliant outlets.

Boolell also questioned whether journalists should be exempt from divulging sources, comparing it with confidentially obligations in other professions.

He criticised outdated laws on sedition and “scandalising the Court”, and stressed the importance of basing criticism of judges on factual grounds. 

Source: Defi Media

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