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Ramgoolam Alleges new Financial Crime Commission is a Conspiracy



Ramgoolam Alleges new Financial Crime Commission is a Conspiracy
Image source: Defi Media - Ramgoolam Alleges new Financial Crime Commission is a Conspiracy

Navin Ramgoolam, leader of the Labour party, has claimed that the proposed creation of a Financial Crime Commission (FCC) is a conspiracy to prevent him from running as a candidate in the upcoming general elections.

Ramgoolam expressed his concerns during a press conference following a meeting of the Labour’s Political Bureau.

He believes he is the target of the FCC and accused the government of using all means possible to hold onto power.

Ramgoolam also hit at the Speaker of the National Assembly and announced his intention to soon respond to Prime Minister Pravind Jugnauth regarding the “Macarena affair.”

Source: Defi Media

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