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Mauritius woman gives birth to a baby boy on a bus



Mauritius woman gives birth to a baby boy on a bus

A woman travelling on a bus in the outskirts of Mauritius capital city of Port Louis gave birth to a baby boy with help of her fellow passengers.

A report about the incident in Defi Media is now winning people’s hearts.

The pregnant woman, a resident of Pointe-aux-Sables, was in a bus of the United Bus Service (UBS) heading to Vallée-des-Prêtres when she experienced labour pain.

“The woman was at the back of the bus, but she kept standing up. For her safety, we advised her to sit down because she was pregnant,” bus driver Ismet Imrith told Defi Media.

Around Brabant Street, the bus conductor rushed to Imrith saying the woman’s water broke and was in labour. He immediately detoured the bus to Dr A.G Jeetoo Hospital. 

But the baby did not wait and came very quickly. “Around Jemmapes Street, the baby was already here,” Imrith said. Passengers were removing their jackets to cover the woman,” he told Defi.

When the bus arrived at the Dr A.G Jeetoo Hospital, a passenger ran to ask for help.

Both mother and son of 2.3kilos are reportedly safe and doing fine.

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  1. Soobratee Mamode read

    20/11/2022 at 19:25

    Aslkm hat off and I respect all the person into the bus and

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