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Mauritius MPs shunned 1 out every 5 parliamentary questions



Mauritius MPs shunned 1 out every 5 parliamentary questions

At least one out of five parliamentary questions to shed light on government business and the use of taxpayers’ money were not answered by Mauritian ministers.

From March 29 to July 26, 1,001 questions were asked by opposition MPs and government backbenchers during 11 sittings.

Out of these, 103 were addressed to the Prime Minister Pravind Jugnauth. Finance Minister Renganaden Padayachy did not provide answers to 40 questions while Joe Lesjongard, Minister of Energy and Utilities, did not answer 19 questions.

A question that could not be answered during parliamentary proceedings must be tabled in the library of the National Assembly, unless the question was withdrawn by the MP.

Source: Defi Media

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