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ICT minister hits back at sherry singh over sniffing allegations



ICT minister hits back at sherry singh over sniffing allegations
Attorney General Maneesh Gobin (l) and ICT Minister Deepak Balgobin. (Photo: Defi Media)

In the wake of the revelations of the ex-CEO of Mauritius Telecom, which are the subject of a police investigation, the Minister of ICT and Innovation, Deepak Balgobin, has spoken out for the first time against the “lies that have created irreparable prejudice against Government and the Prime Minister”.

Balgobin told reporters on Saturday that “it is all a political game to manipulate public opinion and there is an agreement between Sherry Singh and a political party.” 

Singh resigned as CEO of the MT, to express strong disagreement to an attempt to “sniff’ internet traffic in and out Mauritius – allegedly instructed by PM Pravind Jugnauth.

Referring to the “security survey” on the SAFE cable, allegedly without the authorization of the consortium, the minister said there was no physical intervention at the Baie-Jacotet Landing Station.

“It’s all a pack of lies. If this was done, all operators would have been aware of it,” he claimed.

Deepak Balgobin said that such an intervention would have aroused the suspicions of the Network Operations Center (NOC) of the SAFE cable based in South Africa. The NOC would then have alerted the members of the consortium, of which Mauritius Telecom is a member.

“In the event of any intervention on the SAFE cable, the NOC receives a warning notification immediately, which in turn, notifies all operators of the consortium. From April 15 to today, the NOC has never informed Mauritius Telecom of any warning,” Balgobin said.

Attorney General Maneesh Gobin said it is normal for Mauritius Telecom to carry out surveys on the installations of the station, which it owns, while the SAFE cable belongs to the consortium.”

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