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Free internet activist says PM’s survey was ‘sinister’



Tech geek and civil rights activist Ish Sookun has described PM Pravind Jugnauth’s intended ‘security survey’ as being “sinister”.

A staunch advocate for free Internet and “open-source”, Sookun had previously criticized ICT authorities’ alleged espionage intentions last year for which he spent a night in prison.

“Does the Prime Minister really want us to believe that he secretly tried to ensure the cyber security of our island by requesting this survey? Does our security depend on a secret deal between Mr. Jugnauth and Indian PM Narenda Modi?” he asked in an interview with l’Express newspaper.

Countries, he claimed, justify internet shutdowns by saying that they want to protect the population in times of riots to avoid the circulation of rumors and fake news that would fuel these crises.

“You can’t shut down the internet to fight. It would be the perfect illustration of throw the baby out with the bathwater. This is what India is currently doing.”

Free internet activist says PM's survey was 'sinister'
Ish Sookun. Photo: l’Express

Sookun added that the Baie-Jacotet landing station which connects the island to the SAFE cable is owned by a consortium of around 30 telephone operators around the world.

“The landing station is managed by Mauritius Telecom but that does not give it the right to do what it wants.”

Sherry Singh, ex-CEO of MT, has earlier alleged that the Indian technical team that “intervened” on the cable. “Each intervention is logged,” he claimed, adding that this evidence will be used during upcoming legal battles.

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