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Mauritius lifts majority of COVID-19 restrictions



Mauritius lifts majority of COVID-19 restrictions

Mauritius has lifted major COVID-19 restrictions, including the compulsory face mask, and moving forward with the island’s most significant reopening steps to date.

Henceforth, the face coverings that have become a symbol of the pandemic will be required only on public transport, in hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, port and airport passenger terminals, taxis and in care homes for the elderly – marking a major policy shift that some experts and health workers have described as premature.

Furthermore, the mask will need to be kept during health and optical checks.

Effective on Wednesday, July 1, Prime Minister Pravind Jugnauth has announced, nightclubs and bars will also reopen, large outdoor events resume and there will be no restrictions on the number of people at religious and social gatherings.

The gathering limit of 50 people for sports, concerts, training, weddings, funerals, and horseracing has therefore been lifted.

Fitness and recreation facilities can now operate at full capacity.

However, those above 60 or with health challenges are strongly encouraged to keep the mask at indoor gatherings.

A number of factors will help people manage their COVID-19 risks. These include being up to date with COVID-19 vaccination schedules and adherence to related preventive measures. 

But coronavirus is far from gone in Mauritius. The latest upturn in infections is cause for concern, with some health workers lamenting a premature move dictated by political imperatives amid growing anti-government sentiment.

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