Shuffle Surprise for 10+ College Rectors, No Warning
A musical chair game of sorts was played among state-run college rectors last Friday, June 7, leaving many concerned parties reeling. The unexpected transfer exercise took place just hours before the presentation of the 2024-25 budget, catching many off guard.
According to Defi Media sources, some of the affected rectors were not informed that a transfer exercise was even taking place.
This has caused unrest within the institutions involved, as the planned work schedule has been disrupted.
The rectors affected by the transfers claim that the sudden changes will disrupt ongoing operations, particularly as exams for the second quarter are set to begin.
In response to inquiries, the Education Ministry’s communications department was unable to provide any comments on the transfers.
The surprise shuffle has sparked discontent among those affected, questioning the timing and transparency of the exercise.
Source: Defi Media