Solar Power Farm: 9 MW of Clean Energy Soon in Amaury

In a significant move towards sustainable energy, three companies, Les Moulins de la Concorde Ltée, Maurilait Production Limitée, and Oceanarium Mauritius Ltd, have entered into a partnership to establish a 8-9 MW solar photovoltaic farm in Amaury, Mauritius.
The project is set to be built on a 182,000 square meter land owned by Alteo Agri Ltd, which will be leased to the partnership.
The solar farm, which is expected to create employment for around 75 people during the construction phase, is in line with the government’s declared policy to create a green energy industry and gradually eliminate the use of coal in electricity production by 2030.
The project aims to reduce the country’s dependence on fossil fuel imports and contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere.
The solar photovoltaic farm at Amaury will consist of 17,056 monocrystalline Bifacial N-type panels with a rated capacity of 580 W each.
The panels will be connected to string inverters, with a total of 24 string inverters used for the project.
The inverters will be connected to transformers to step up the voltage to 22 kV, before injecting electricity into the Amaury substation.
The total injection capacity of the solar farm will be capped at 8.096 MWac, with the electricity generated expected to meet part of the demand of the Amaury Substation of the Central Electricity Board (CEB).
The project will also include a monitoring system, local SCADA, and power generation forecasting system for efficient operations and maintenance.
The solar farm is expected to play a significant role in reducing the country’s carbon footprint and contribute to a cleaner and more sustainable environment.
The project is a major step towards achieving the government’s goal of promoting renewable energy and reducing reliance on fossil fuels.
Source: Le Mauricien