650K SIM Cards Re-registered: No Deadline Extension Allowed
650,000 out of a total of 2,096,800 SIM cards have been registered. Authorities remind the public that it is essential to re-register their SIM cards before the deadline of April 30, 2024. No deadline extension will be considered.
Citizens are strongly advised to re-register their SIM cards (Emtel, Chili, and my.t) before April 30. Otherwise, their cards will be deactivated at 12:01 a.m. on May 1, in accordance with the law. They will then need to purchase another card. No extension of the re-registration period is planned.
The re-registration of SIM cards aims to enhance security and combat criminal activities. Under the Information and Communication Technologies (Registration of SIM) Regulations 2023, SIM card holders must re-register their cards with telecommunications operators or online.
Compliance with this directive is essential to ensure the integrity of the network and protect the interests of citizens. The re-registration of SIM cards is a recommendation of the drug inquiry commission. Authorities state that there will be no deadline extension for SIM card re-registration. “The six months allocated for the exercise are more than sufficient,” they explain.
Approximately 650,000 SIM cards (out of a total of 2,096,800 as of December 31, 2023) have already been registered. “Subscribers have the option to register online, which simplifies the process,” they say. The authorities reassure the population once again about the preservation of users’ personal data.
The Supreme Court has been called upon to rule on three constitutional complaints in this case. Therefore, these three complainants want the procedure to be put on hold.
Source: Defi Media