PM’s Sister to Face Rs417 Million Lawsuit

While not as prominent a figure as other close relatives, Shalini Malhotra, daughter of the late Sir Anerood Jugnauth, is the sole heir facing a claims trial filed by Me Kailash Trilochun (photo) against the former Prime Minister.
The case against Lady Jugnauth and Prime Minister Pravind Jugnauth was dismissed nearly two weeks ago due to the non-submission of Answers to Particulars by Attorney Kaviraj Bokhoree. The claim of Rs 417,641,688 dates back to 2018 when Me Kailash Trilochun initiated civil proceedings against the former Prime Minister and leader of the MSM.
This amount is claimed by the lawyer in conjunction with Sir Anerood Jugnauth (SAJ) and the State for damages he alleges to have suffered during his dismissal as legal counsel of the Information and Communication Technologies Authority (ICTA) and the controversy over his fees of Rs 19 million paid by the institution.
The claim by Me Trilochun includes financial losses of Rs 309,533,580 and moral damages assessed at Rs 108,108,108.
He asserts that this financial loss is equivalent to what he would have earned from his professional activities over the past two years.
The case is set to be heard in the Supreme Court this week.
Source: Le Mauricien