Investigation: Sherry Singh and Danesh Ellayah Arrested and Released on Bail

Sherry Singh and Danesh Ellayah were arrested by the Special Striking Team in connection with an investigation into multiple contracts awarded by Mauritius Telecom during Sherry Singh’s tenure as CEO. He faces charges related to a conspiracy to defraud MT. Danesh Ellayah’s company secured these contracts. They were both released on bail after providing Rs 50,000 each and signing a Rs 300,000 recognisance.
Singh made a statement upon leaving the court, denouncing what he perceived as increased political reprisals in Mauritius and mentioned that his family had been subjected to investigations. He also mentioned his eagerness for the matter to be resolved in court, suggesting that PM Pravind Jugnauth and Kobita Jugnauth would need to attend court, hinting at revelations to come. “I have certain things to reveal!”
Source: Defi Media Le Mauricien