Veteran Politician Joins Forces With Extra-Parliamentary Alliance

The Fraternal Greens (Verts Fraternels), led by Sylvio Michel, have officially joined the political alliance known as Linion Pep Morisien-Rassemblement Mauricien-Ralliement Citoyen pour la Patrie (LPM-RM-RCP).
This development was announced during a press conference on August 31 in Port-Louis.
Discussions with other non-parliamentary political groups continue as the alliance seeks to consolidate progressive forces around shared values, principles, and a common program.
Sylvio Michel, an 82-year-old veteran of Mauritian politics, expressed his belief in their alliance’s potential to bring “dynamism and hope for future generations”, with a shared goal of victory in the upcoming elections.
Nando Bodha, the leader of the RM party, hailed Michel as a patriot and expressed his honour at having him in their final effort to rejuvenate Mauritius.
Source: Defi Media