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Jugnauth attacks opposition’s alleged proximity with drug traffickers



Jugnauth attacks opposition's alleged proximity with drug traffickers

Prime Minister Pravind Jugnauth has launched another scathing attack against his political opponents, especially the Labour Party, claiming that they tolerate drug traffickers.

Speaking at the ground breaking ceremony of the new Savannah District Council headquarters, Jugnauth said drugs worth Rs 13.3 billion have been seized from 2015 to 2021.

“Unfortunately, there are political parties, especially the Labour Party, who continue to tolerate traffickers and the mafia. They never wanted to set up a commission of enquiry into drug trafficking,” he claimed.

Referring to political activist Bruneau Laurette, who is facing two provisional charges of drug trafficking and possession of firearms, Jugnauth said: “There was one who used to give lessons and urging people to stand up against the government. He was himself arrested after the seizure of a considerable amount of drugs.”

Jugnauth pointed out that the activist is being defended by Labour Party lawyers.

“Even Dr Navin Ramgoolam defended him, saying it was a conspiracy. Arvin Boolell did the same. At least I salute the courage of Xavier-Luc Duval who put a PNQ on the recent case of rolling paper. But then again, this is someone close to the Labour Party,” he added.

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