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Labour Party hits hard at Jugnauth administration at St Pierre Rally



Labour Party hits hard at Jugnauth administration at St Pierre Rally
Labour Party Ralli In St Pierre

Mauritius Labour Party leader Dr Navin Ramgoolam has hit hard at PM Pravind Jugnauth during a rally in St. Pierre on Friday afternoon over the murder of MSM political agent Soopramanien Kistnen.

The latter’s body was discovered partially charred in Telfair, Moka on 18 October 2020.

Labour Party hits hard at Jugnauth administration at St Pierre Rally

Dr Ramgoolam denounced that the police have not yet questioned the former Minister of Commerce, Yogida Sawmynaden “under warning”.

The latter should have already been arrested, he claimed.

The Labour Party leader said he will meet with Nishal Joyram who has started a hunger strike over high petrol prices. Once in power, Dr Ramgoolam pledged to considerably lower fuel prices.

Source: Defi Media

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