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Man arrested over video appearing to mock death of Michaela Harte



Man arrested over video appearing to mock death of Michaela Harte

A man has been arrested in relation to a video that circulated online that appeared to show a group of people in Northern Ireland singing a song that mocked the death of Michaela Harte. 

The 31-year-old man was arrested by the PSNI (Police Service of Northern Ireland) and has since been released on bail pending further enquiries. 

Three other men have voluntarily attended police interview about the video, which the PSNI began investigating shortly after it emerged. 

Michaela Harte, 27, was strangled in her room at the ex-Legends Hotel in Mauritius on January 10, 2011.

The Co Tyrone teacher, who had married husband John 10 days earlier, was attacked after she returned to her room alone and apparently disturbed a burglary.

The video that surfaced earlier this year appeared to show a large number of men singing a song that references Ms McAreavey’s trip to Mauritius for her honeymoon.

Two weeks ago, a former suspect in the Michaela Harte murder says he is willing to meet with her family to answer any questions they have for him.

Ex-hotel worker Sandip Moneea, who was found guilty of the teacher’s murder in 2012 but later had his conviction quashed, has vowed to help them in their pursuit of justice.

Original article at Irish Examiner

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