Altercation in Parliament: Who’s telling the truth?

The altercation that took place between members of the opposition and the Speaker, Sooroojdev Phokeer reportedly continued in the corridors of Parliament.
According to Defi Media, witnesses claimed the incident was “verbally aggressive and violent words were used.”
“I am ashamed to utter the words used by the Speaker. I had the opportunity to work with different Speakers, but he is the worst in history,” said MMM MP Arianne Navarre Marie.
Questionned by Defi Media, the speaker reportedly responded: “Police will investigate. I have nothing to say. This is a pure invention.”
Two opposition MPs were expelled from the National Assembly on Tuesday afternoon, May 24. Rajesh Bhagwan, of the MMM, was “named” by Speaker Sooroojdev Phokeer for having stated: “Don’t bark at me.”
Bhagwan was suspended for five sittings, after motion by DPM Steven Obeegadoo.
Earlier, Labour MP Shakeel Mohamed was “ordered out” after he uttered the word “shame” towards Health Minister Kailesh Jagutpal, while the latter was speaking on the Supplementary Appropriation Bill 2021/2022. According to Sooroojdev Phokeer, the word was “unparliamentarian”.