Apex breaks ties with Go Life, Peerun resigns as Independent Director

The Board of Go Life has informed its shareholders that Apex Fund and Corporate Services (Mauritius) Ltd will no longer provide Go Life with Administration and Corporate Secretarial services.
Apex have, according to a communique published by the Stock Exchange of Mauritius, given the company 30 days written notice of their intention to resign with effect from 11 May 2022.
As a result, and in compliance with section 3.59 of the Listings Requirements of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE), Mr Zaid Peerun has notified the Go Life Board of his resignation as an independent non-executive director, with immediate effect.
“Go Life is in the process of securing a new Administration and Corporate Secretarial Service as well as an independent non-executive director,” the communique said.
Go Life has its primary listing on the Stock Exchange Mauritius and a secondary listing on the AltX of the JSE.