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Nurse’s Health Serious After Oxygen Cylinder Blast at Cardiac Center



Nurse's Health Serious After Oxygen Cylinder Blast at Cardiac Center
Image source: Defi Media

His condition is a cause for concern. His colleague, a nurse in her forties, sustained less severe burns. Panic ensued when an oxygen cylinder fell in the intensive care unit of the Pamplemousses Cardiac Centre on Wednesday, May 8.

It caught fire, resulting in two staff members nearby getting burned. The male nurse suffered severe burns to his face and various parts of his body.

The female nurse sustained minor burns. Both colleagues were urgently transported to the burns unit at Victoria Hospital after receiving initial treatment at the Cardiac Centre. The man’s condition is a cause for concern.

The lady nurse’s spouse told Radio Plus that she is out of danger shortly after the incident.

An investigation has been launched to determine the circumstances of this unfortunate incident, said Dr. Sunil Guness, director of the Cardiac Centre.

According to the Ministry of Health, when the cylinder accidentally fell, it caught fire and burned the two staff members in its path.

The incident required the intervention of the Mauritius Fire and Rescue Services.

The two injured individuals were evacuated to Victoria Hospital by the Emergency Medical Service. Following the incident, activities resumed as usual.

According to Dr. Sunil Guness, patients and other staff members were not harmed. “All activities have resumed: surgeries, angiographies, and other procedures in the intensive care unit,” said the Cardiac Centre director around midday May 8.

The incident has shaken up other staff members and is being closely monitored by nursing associations.

This is not the first incident of its kind. A few years ago, a nurse at Victoria Hospital suffered burns to his hands when an oxygen cylinder caught fire.

Source: Defi Media

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