Suspects Cuffed in Job-Rape Scandal: 1 in Custody

Investigation into woman’s rape at Le Morne – Fake recruitment agent: “I contact ladies on Facebook” What role does a fake recruitment agent play in the case of a woman being raped while looking for a job? That is what investigators from the West Crime Intelligence Unit are trying to determine.
On Monday, detectives arrested a 21-year-old resident of Eau-Coulée. His name is Ryan F. and he goes by the alias Emily Ryan on Facebook. This suspect is believed to be behind various job recruitment ads for hotel work.
The victim explains that on February 5, she came across an ad on Facebook posted by Emily Ryan offering jobs as a therapist at a salon located at Le Morne. When she arrived at the meeting point on Friday, February 9, she was directed to an undeveloped plot of land where she was tied up and raped by a man who introduced himself as Ryan.
Taken into custody by the police, the suspect, Ryan F, admitted to being the one behind the ads on Facebook. “I contact ladies on Facebook so that I can befriend them and rape them.” The police also seized the suspect’s phone. He was extensively questioned by the Western Division Criminal Investigation Team led by Superintendent Gerard and Inspector Dowlul.
In the course of this investigation, Mohesswar Souky, 32, who is accused of raping the victim, remains in police custody. His alleged accomplice is also behind bars. During a search of this suspect, the victim’s cellphone was recovered.
Source: Defi Media