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Guaranteed Minimum Income of Rs 17,000: A Real Social Solution or a Political Strategy?



Guaranteed Minimum Income of Rs 17,000: A Real Social Solution or a Political Strategy?
Guaranteed Minimum Income of Rs 17,000: A Real Social Solution or a Political Strategy?

The timing of the increase in the guaranteed minimum income to Rs17,000, just one year before the general elections, has raised questions about its true motives.

While it provides financial relief to a significant portion of the working population, some see it as a calculated political strategy.

Ashok Subron, a unionist, points out that the National Wage Consultative Council recommended a minimum wage of Rs 15,000, and questions who will bear the costs of this increase.

Additionally, he argues that the increase may not adequately compensate for the loss of purchasing power.

Minister of Labour, Soodesh Callichurn, announced that the minimum wage will rise from Rs 11,575 to Rs 15,000, and with the Government Income Allowance, the guaranteed minimum income will be Rs 17,000 for individuals.

Political observer Faizal Jeerooburkhan believes that this substantial increase will benefit the government in the upcoming elections, as it represents a significant portion of employees’ wages.

However, Jeerooburkhan notes that not all voters will base their decision solely on this measure and emphasizes the importance of evaluating its real impact on their daily lives.

The timing of the increase in the guaranteed minimum income, just before the general elections, has raised questions about its political implications.

While some see it as a genuine social solution, others view it as a calculated electoral strategy.

Ashok Subron, a unionist, highlights the need for clarity on how the funds for this increase will be allocated and who will bear the costs.

He believes that the increase may not be sufficient to offset the loss of purchasing power for families.

Source: Defi Media

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