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Global survey reveals Mauritians’ emotional temperature



Global survey reveals Mauritians’ emotional temperature

Think about how you felt yesterday. Did you smile or laugh a lot? Did you learn or do something interesting? Were you angry? Sad?

Analytics company Gallup measured people’s positive and negative experiences in 100 nations which included anger, sadness, stress, worry, physical pain, enjoyment, well-rested, learn something, smile or laugh, treated with respect.

Mauritius was in the Top 5 globally on two such emotions: less angriest and less worried.

The 2022 “Global Emotions” report found that 6% of the 1,000 or so respondents in Mauritius, surveyed in 2021 and the earlier part of this year, felt anger on the day before they took Gallup’s survey. 

Global survey reveals Mauritians’ emotional temperature

That means that the Mauritians were the second least angriest nations globally – just behind Finland (5% having experienced anger on the eve).

Residents of Lebanon (49%), Turkey (48%) and Armenia (46%) had experienced the most anger on the day before the took the survey.

The report also found that only 20% of Mauritian residents had experienced “worry” on the day before the global survey.

The top 5 most worried nations were Afghanistan (80%), Brazil (67%), Lebanon (64%), Malta (64%) and Ecuador (62%).

Only 21% of Mauritians said they had experienced stress on the eve (10th globally).

However, 16% of Mauritians had experienced sadness on the even compared to 15% of South Africans.

26% of Mauritian residents said they had not slept well/did not rest well while 53% said they had learned something new on the eve.

82% said they had smiled/laughed the day before – 16th globally – while 94% said they had witnessed some level of respect.

The survey was conducted before the Russia/Ukraine War, allegations of sniffing, petrol price hikes, soaring inflation and other significant psychological events.

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