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PM’s close aide appointed as Director of SBM Holdings



PM’s close aide appointed as Director of SBM Holdings

Prakash Maunthrooa, Special Advisor to the Prime Minister Pravind Jugnauth, has been appointed as member of the Board of SBM Holdings.

His appointment as Non-Executive Director was made official on December 15, 2021, Defi media has revealed.

SBM Holdings is a state-owned entity listed on the Stock Exchange of Mauritius with a market capitalization of Rs13.5 billion as at end of June 2021. 

Two months ago, Maunthrooa was also appointed Chairman of Airports of Mauritius Co. Ltd, Airport Terminal Operations Ltd and Mauritius Duty Free Paradise Co. Ltd.

According to Defi Media, he was appointed Special Advisor to the PMO around end-October 2021, after being acquitted in the Boskalis corruption case.

In the past, he has previously served on the board of directors of Air Mauritius, SBM Holdings Ltd, the Board of Investment and the State Insurance Corporation of Mauritius.

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