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Mauritius signs contract with Indian company for an Advanced Helicopter



Mauritius signs contract with Indian company for an Advanced Helicopter

Mauritius has signed a contract with India’s Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) for an advanced version of the Advanced Light Helicopter (ALH Mark III).

Reporting on the deal, several Indian media quoted a communique by HAL as stating that the contract has helped Mauritius and HAL further strengthen long-standing business relations spanning over three decades.

The value of the deal has not been disclosed.

Mauritius already operates HAL-built ALH and Do-228 aircraft. The ALH Mark III will be used by the Mauritius Police Force.

The contract was reportedly signed at HAL’s Transport Aircraft Division in Kanpur by BK Tripathy, General Manager, Helicopter Division-HAL and OK Dabidin, Secretary of Home Affairs, PMO, Mauritius.

Mauritius signs contract with Indian company for an Advanced Helicopter
Over 335 ALHs have been produced till date logging around 3,40,000 cumulative flying hours. (Image: Twitter/ HAL)

The ALH Mk III is reportedly a multi-role, multi-mission versatile helicopter in the 5.5-tonne category.

The Weapon System Integrated (WSI) variant of the helicopter is equipped with: armour protection against 12.7 mm rounds; a 20 mm nose-mounted turret gun (by Nexter in France); rocket launcher (FZ, Belgium); air-to-air missiles (MBDA, France); and air-to-ground missiles.

Targeting systems for both day and night include electro-optical pod (Elop, Israel) and Helmet Pointing System (Elbit, Israel).

The aircraft can be fitted with an electronic warfare suite (Avitronics, South Africa), flare/chaff dispensers (BDL, India) and an IR jammer.

Fuel capacity and slung load are 1055 kg and 1500 kg, respectively.  Passenger capacity of the aircraft is 12-14 in addition to the crew.

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