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Ramgoolam: We’re at war!



Ramgoolam: We're at war!

Former PM and Labour Party Navin Ramgoolam has issued a statement announcing the creation of a new team of leaders within the Labour Party, while making several proposals to beat COVID-19.

Entitled “We’re At War” the message, published on his Facebook page, hits at the consistent denials of the danger of COVID-19 and its variants that have allegedly “frozen the major decision-makers into inaction.”

“It appears that the war is being left largely to a handful of auto-proclaimed experts with no knowledge and experience in such extreme crisis management!” he claimed.

A COVID survivor, Dr Ramgoolam claimed the protocol at ENT Hospital is so “obviously and patently wrong” and “diametrically opposite to the treatment in India, which needs to be changed drastically with immediate effect.”

“We should be humble enough to ask the advice of the doctors at the All India Institute of Medical Science (AIIMS). I can be in touch with them if the authorities so decide,” he proposed.

On being found positive to COVID-19, he was flown to the AIIMS where he was successfully treated.

While advising to convert some of the “white-elephant infrastructures” into COVID centres equipped with beds, Ramgoolam urged the government to “stop telling people we are COVID-safe and that vaccination protects you completely. NEITHER IS TRUE !”

“Unless the government takes the bull by the horn and changes tack now, we are heading for an unmitigated disaster,” he said.

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