Sugar Syndicate Urges Caution in Land Conversion as Production Dips to 232,000 Tonnes

The Mauritius Sugar Syndicate, in collaboration with the Ministry of Agro-industry, is advocating against further conversion of prime agricultural lands due to concerns over food security.
Roshan Baguant, the outgoing president, highlighted a drop in local sugar production to 232,000 tonnes despite a rise in sugar prices to Rs 25,554 per tonne.
He urged for the reclamation of over 10,000 hectares of abandoned land for cane cultivation. Vikram Hurdoyal emphasized the need to plant sugarcane on approximately 40,000 hectares of abandoned land for increased production capacity.
Devesh Dukhira, CEO of the Mauritius Sugar Syndicate, discussed rising global production costs and noted Europe as the primary market for Mauritian sugar, accounting for 80% of exports in the previous harvest.
He also highlighted a significant increase in the sale of specialty sugars. Roshan Baguant welcomed the implementation of the National Biomass Framework, emphasising its role in achieving the country’s 60% renewable energy goal by 2030.
Minister Hurdoyal praised the framework as a game-changer for the sugarcane industry and noted its alignment with the government’s objective for renewable energy.
Fabien Enouf, CEO of Alteo, was elected as the new president of the Mauritius Sugar Syndicate, succeeding Roshan Baguant, while Sandip Seebarrun was elected as vice-president.
Source: Le Mauricien