Mauritius is experiencing its driest July in over a century, raising significant concerns for its sugar production, which constitutes 10% of the island nation’s exports. The...
The Mauritius Sugar Syndicate has finalized the price of sugar for the 2023 crop at Rs 30,951 per tonne, a significant increase from Rs 25,554 per...
On June 26, Medine, a leading player in the Mauritian sugar industry, launched the 2024 sugarcane harvest season, which is expected to run until early December....
The Mauritian sugarcane industry is grappling with a longstanding issue of abandoned cultivation lands, a concern underscored by the Sugar Syndicate’s recent report. This revealed a...
The Mauritius Sugar Syndicate, in collaboration with the Ministry of Agro-industry, is advocating against further conversion of prime agricultural lands due to concerns over food security....
Alteo Group is selling 86 plots of agricultural land from Vuillemin Estate near Quartier-Militaire, Mauritius, aiming to boost the country’s food self-sufficiency. The plots range from...
In a recent event at the Beau-Champ Farmers’ Service Centre, Minister of Agro-Industry and Food Security, Vikram Hurdoyal announced significant support measures for sugarcane planters ahead...
Mauritius has lost around Rs 63.1 million because 29,280 tons of sugarcane could not be transported to factories during the 2022 harvest. According to l’Express, out...