Private Secondary Schools threaten to go into ‘lockout’

The Federation of Unions of Managers of Private Secondary Schools (FUMPSS) have threatened to go into “lockout” to protest against the “attitude of the ministry of Education with regard to managers of private colleges”.
The decision, according to Defi Media, was taken during a special meeting on 8 March.
The bone of contention is a Cabinet decision dated 4 March announcing an “increase in the quantum of the Annual Rental Value payable to grant-aided Private Secondary Schools for the use of school premises under the Comprehensive Grant Formula (CGF) 2020-2023.”
“The revised ceiling of Rs300,000 would be made effective as from the date of completion of the valuation exercise, that is, 01 July 2021, in line with the CGF Report 2020-2023.”

Defi Media cited FUMPSS President Bashir Taleb as deploring the “lack of communication” from the authorities. “We know nothing about the report of the ministry on this amount of Rs 300,000 to evaluate the schools.”
He said the Federation is awaiting an explanation from the minister “over the next few days to find out how the amount of Rs 300,000 was calculated, without consultation with the directors of the schools.”
“In protest to this situation, we will close the schools symbolically for a day,” he announced.
The date of closure has not been decided yet.