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Fishermen Sound the Alarm: Biodiversity at Risk in Mer-Rouge



Fishermen Sound the Alarm: Biodiversity at Risk in Mer-Rouge
Image source: Le Mauricien

Fishermen in the Mer-Rouge basin are sounding the alarm to authorities about the degradation of the marine biodiversity in the region, following a heavy oil spill earlier this year at the Terre-Rouge Estuary.

Photos show traces of hydrocarbons still visible on the mangroves and shoreline, prompting local fishermen to speak out about the situation.

They are condemning the practices of nearby factories and port developments that are having a negative impact on the marine environment.

Fishermen Sound the Alarm: Biodiversity at Risk in Mer-Rouge

“There is nothing left here. Pollution has destroyed everything,” lamented Judex Ramphul, spokesperson for the fishermen’s union.

Other fishermen present also mentioned the discharge of sewage into the sea in this region. “The situation is worsening every day and we are the ones most affected,” they asserted.

Fishermen Sound the Alarm: Biodiversity at Risk in Mer-Rouge

They specified that not only have the corals in the region died, but migratory birds no longer visit. “This does not bode well,” they warn.

Indeed, the Terre-Rouge Estuary is known for the visits of these birds from afar, seeking refuge from the cold. But recently, “they no longer come because there is nothing left here,” the fishermen said.

They are calling for the intervention of the Ministry of the Environment and urging legislators to take action in the region for the coastal community.

Source: Le Mauricien

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