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Eco-Milestone: UK’s Privy Council Sides with Eco-Sud in Landmark Ruling



Eco-Milestone: UK's Privy Council Sides with Eco-Sud in Landmark Ruling

In a major triumph for the environment, the UK’s Privy Council has rejected the appeal by the Ministry of Environment, confirming that the Supreme Court was correct in annuling the decision of the Environmental Tribunal.

The tribunal had previously ruled that Eco-Sud, a non-governmental organization (NGO), did not have the right to contest the Pointe-d’Esny Lakeside project.

This landmark decision marked a significant shift in environmental law, as it establishes that any organization campaigning for environmental protection no longer needs to demonstrate a financial or economic interest in a project to contest it.

The judges also criticized the project’s continued progress despite ongoing legal disputes.

“This is a historic verdict in environmental matters,” said Sanjay Bhuckory, Senior Counsel for Eco-Sud.

“We are pleased that the courts have recognized the importance of environmental protection and the right of organizations like ours to hold governments accountable for their actions.”

The Pointe-d’Esny Lakeside project had been controversial from its inception, with concerns over its potential environmental impact on the local ecosystem.

Eco-Sud had contested the project, citing potential damage to the area’s natural resources.

However, the Environmental Tribunal initially ruled against them, stating that they did not have standing to bring a challenge.

Eco-Sud appealed this decision to the Supreme Court, which ultimately overturned the tribunal’s ruling.

The Ministry of Environment then took their case to the Privy Council, but their appeal has now been rejected.

The implications of this decision are far-reaching, as it sets a precedent for future environmental cases.

It emphasized the importance of protecting the environment and holding governments accountable for their actions, even if there is no apparent financial or economic interest at stake.

For Eco-Sud and other environmental organizations, this victory is a significant step forward in their efforts to protect the planet.

As Sanjay Bhuckory noted, “The decision is a testament to the power of collective action and our commitment to defending the environment.”

Source: Defi Media

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