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51-Year-Old Alive, Death Certificate Blunder Revealed



51-Year-Old Alive, Death Certificate Blunder Revealed

In a shocking turn of events, a 51-year-old man from Nouvelle-Découverte, Mauritius, has been declared alive and kicking, despite a death certificate being issued in his name.

Bhye Reshad Mungla, born on March 8, 1973, was devastated to learn that he had been declared deceased in March 2021.

The mistake occurred when Mungla applied for the “Wage Assistance Scheme” with the Mauritius Revenue Authority during the COVID-19 pandemic.

At the same time, he was arrested by the Criminal Investigation Division (CID) of Terre-Rouge on suspicion of theft.

While at the police station, he was informed that he had a prior criminal record for theft, which he vehemently denied.

During his interrogation at the Central CID, Mungla was presented with a photocopy of his national identity card, which bore his name and identification number, but with a different signature and photograph.

The person featured on the aforementioned national identity card resides in Eugène Laurent, Port-Louis.

Mungla took legal action to rectify the error and on August 4, 2022, filed a complaint.

The Supreme Court has since ordered the annulment of the death certificate and the correction of his birth certificate to remove the notation “died on March 7, 2021.”

In its decision, Justice Johan Moutou-Leckning ruled that the mention “deceased on March 7, 2021” be removed from Mungla’s birth certificate and that the death certificate issued in his name be annulled.

The court’s decision has finally brought closure to Mungla’s ordeal and cleared his name after nearly two years of uncertainty.

Source: Defi Media

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