
Money Laundering Allegations in the Pharmacy Industry, Opposition Leader Probes



Image source: Defi Media

In a press conference held after submitting a parliamentary question, opposition leader Shakeel Mohamed called for an investigation into alleged money laundering in the pharmaceutical importation sector.

He claimed that the government is protecting certain private companies, including Hyperpharm, which is said to have close ties with the Ministry of Health and other major importers.

Mohamed pointed out that Hyperpharm was involved in importing medicines during the COVID-19 pandemic and has close relationships with Health Minister Kailesh Jagutpal and other major importers who also own pharmacies.

Mohamed alleged that these importers can engage in price gouging, hoarding profits abroad, and money laundering, to the detriment of consumers who bear the costs.

According to Mohamed, Mauritius is the only country where the importer represents a pharmaceutical product exclusively, under the regime of “national exhaustion.”

This is allowing the local representative of the product producer to set prices independently, regardless of profit margins imposed by authorities.

He claimed that this system enables importers to practice price gouging and money laundering.

Mohamed also touched on the issue of parallel importation of medicines, stating that the opposition has solutions to reduce prices but that the government is refusing to adopt them because the aim is to protect certain private companies.

He demanded an investigation to determine whether there is any money laundering and whether individuals are receiving commissions in this trade.

This is not the first time that the government has been accused of profiting from people’s suffering, according to Mohamed.

He cited examples from the COVID-19 pandemic and claimed that the current situation is a repetition of past events.

Opposition Deputy Arvind Boolell also expressed his concerns about the government’s actions.

Boolell criticized the Speaker’s attitude, stating that he has on several occasions expressed concerns about a possible collusion between the Speaker and the Leader of the House.

He accused the government of abusing its power and called for a more transparent and accountable system.

Mahend Gungapersad, another opposition deputy, denounced communal remarks made in Parliament and criticized the Speaker’s double standards policy.

The controversy is highlighting ongoing concerns about the pharmaceutical importation sector and allegations of corruption and money laundering.

The opposition is demanding an investigation and greater transparency, which are likely to be closely followed by citizens who are tired of high prices and unfair practices in the industry.

Source: Defi Media

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