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266,402 Seniors in Mauritius Benefit from Pension Scheme



266,402 Seniors in Mauritius Benefit from Pension Scheme

As at May 13, 2024, the Mauritius Social Security Ministry paid pensions to 266,402 senior citizens, including 5,961 in Rodrigues. The pension included the announced increase by Prime Minister Pravind Jugnauth. Among these beneficiaries, over 5,000 nonagenarians (4,924 Mauritians and 127 Rodriguans) receive a pension of Rs 21,210 each.

The fact that people are living longer and healthier is a notable phenomenon globally.

According to international reports, the increase in human lifespan is attributed to improvements in hygiene and therapy, access to education, family planning, progress towards gender equality, and women’s autonomy.

In Mauritius, the longevity of centenarians is also attributed to the constant presence of family, as well as healthy eating habits in their youth and unwavering faith.

Since April 2024, all social benefits, including those related to invalidity, widows, and orphans, have been revised upwards.

All Mauritian citizens aged 60 and above are eligible for a pension provided they have resided in the country for at least 12 years since the age of 18.

However, those aged 70 and above do not need to meet this residency requirement.

Non-citizens who have lived in Mauritius for at least 15 years since the age of 40 can also benefit from a transfer (three of these 15 years must precede the application).

Care Allowance for Elderly with Disabilities

Beneficiaries of the basic pension who have a disability rate of at least 60% and require constant care and attention from another person receive an allowance.

The government is also offering a Care Allowance for pensioners who are disabled at least 60% and require constant care and attention from another person.

The Number of Elderly Citizens on the Rise

According to the United Nations (UN), the number of people aged 60 and above has exceeded that of children under 5 years old.

By 2050, the UN is predicting that the number of people aged 65 and above will double to reach 1.6 billion. This phenomenon is attributed to medical advancements that have increased life expectancy, as well as a decline in fertility rates.

The World Health Organization (WHO) predicted that 80% of elderly people will live in low- or middle-income countries by 2050.

UN Report Highlights Global Trend

The UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs’ Social Global Report 2023 describing the aging of the population as a “determinant global trend of our era.”

The report also stated that it presents numerous challenges for countries to effectively respond to the needs of an increasing number of elderly people.

Healthy Aging

Policies aimed at promoting healthy aging, preventing poverty, and promoting employment and decent work opportunities before people reach old age are essential.

These policies reinforce economic security and reduce inequalities among elderly people.

Vinod Dookhit, District Representative of Senior Associations in Lower Plaines Wilhems within the Senior Citizens Council, added that seniors should be leveraged for their skills, expertise, and knowledge. They contribute to conveying positive values of Mauritian society.

“We are likely the last generation of Mauritians who have maintained these values alive. I don’t know how it will be for those who will retire in 30 or 40 years and who lived in the era of social media without genuine human connections.

There are many professionals in the medical field, including doctors and nurses, as well as former teachers, electricians, plumbers, etc. who can still pass on their skills,” he observed.

To conclude, the aging population presents a complex set of challenges that require a coordinated response from governments, businesses, and individuals.

Source: Defi Media

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