
Relatives of 11 dialysis victims accuse Ministry of Health of ‘manslaughter’



The relatives of 11 dialysis patients who died of COVID-19 related complications in 2021 have called for the release of the Fact-Finding Committee’s report.

They have claimed that they were sent a “simple letter” to inform them that only two patients (of the 11) were considered to have been victims of medical negligence.

The finding has reportedly sparked the relatives’ indignation – some could reportedly file a complaint of homicide against the Ministry of Health.

“There was no physical distancing between patients when they were transported in quarantine. The food offered to them was not appropriate and the hospital did not have adequate equipment to treat patients on dialysis who were tested positive. It’s already an act of negligence!  Why prevent them from accessing this information?” asked Bose Soonarane, the spokesman for he Renal Disease Patient’s Association.

Source: Defi Media

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