Judicial Review on Salary Relativity Set for January 13

The Judicial Review application submitted by Business Mauritius regarding the salary relativity method employed by former Labour Minister Soodesh Callichurn is scheduled to be examined by the Court on Monday, January 13, 2025.
This review sought to clarify the extent of powers allocated under Articles 94 and 106 of the Employment Relations Act, in relation to the powers defined by Articles 91 to 93 of the same legislation.
Following the promulgation and official publication of new salary relativity regulations on September 24, 2024, Business Mauritius was given a 21-day window to file their Judicial Review request.
It is important to note that the salary relativity formula, as determined by the previous administration, indicates that employees earning between Rs 20,000 and Rs 50,000 are entitled to a salary adjustment of Rs 2,925.
Employers were required to disburse the owed amounts to the affected employees, including back pay for the months of July and August, by December 2024.
Source: Defi Media