Departure Notice Against Pravind Jugnauth Explored ?
The ongoing conflict between Sherry Singh, the former Chief Executive Officer of Mauritius Telecom, and outgoing Prime Minister Pravind Jugnauth is intensifying. This came in the wake of the Sniffing scandal and allegations surrounding illegal phone tapping operations allegedly linked to the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO).
New developments emerged as Sherry Singh provided critical evidence to the authorities regarding these illegal surveillance activities.
According to reports, the Central Criminal Investigation Division (CID) has issued a “Notice Upon Departure” concerning Pravind Jugnauth.
This notice obliging the Passport and Immigration Office to inform the Central CID of any potential travel plans or departures made by the ex-Prime Minister.
However, Le Mauricien sources within the Central Police Headquarters have denied any allegations against Jugnauth, dismissing the claims related to the former Prime Minister.
This latest turn of events follows Singh’s testimony recorded on Wednesday November 13, during the ongoing investigation into the Missie Moustass Leaks.
In his statement, Singh, who held a senior position at the PMO, made serious allegations against Jugnauth regarding a procurement of equipment known as Prestel Apparatus, which was allegedly intended to facilitate illegal phone tapping.
Singh revealed that these procurement activities date back to August 2022, with final arrangements being made in September of that year.
He also provided the identities of several Mauritius Telecom officials who were tasked with overseeing the implementation of this equipment under the direction of the Prime Minister’s Office.
As the investigation continues to unfold, the implications of Singh’s testimony could have significant consequences for Jugnauth and the broader political landscape in Mauritius.
Source: Le Mauricien