Boolell Questions the PM on Soopramanien Kistnen Murder Investigation
During a recent session in the National Assembly, the opposition leader, Arvin Boolell, posed a Private Notice Question regarding the murder of Soopramanien Kistnen, a former agent of the Militant Socialist Movement (MSM) who was killed in October 2020.
Boolell sought information on whether any arrests had been made in connection with Kistnen’s murder and inquired about the current status of the investigation.
In response, Prime Minister Pravind Jugnauth referenced a court judgment that granted the benefit of the doubt to former Minister Yogida Sawminaden.
He also cited excerpts from Magistrate Anusha Rawoah’s findings, highlighting contradictory testimonies provided by Simla Kistnen, the victim’s widow.
Furthermore, Jugnauth questioned the credibility of an affidavit submitted by Vishal Shibchurn, labeling it a “tissue of lies.”
The Prime Minister confirmed that, as of now, there have been no arrests related to the case.
“During the initial investigation, 98 individuals were interviewed by the Central Criminal Investigation Department (CCID),” he stated.
Jugnauth explained that a judicial inquiry had been conducted, with its findings forwarded to the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) in January 2022.
The DPP advised the police to continue their in-depth investigation into various matters, including alleged malpractices related to Kistnen’s employment, contract allocations during the lockdown, and accusations of blackmail made by Kistnen against former Minister Sawminaden concerning contracts.
He added that the autopsy process conducted by police pathologists was also under scrutiny.
Despite vigorous protests from opposition members claiming that Jugnauth was avoiding answering direct questions, the Prime Minister elaborated on the contents of Magistrate Rawoah’s judgment.
Regarding allegations of electoral malpractice, Jugnauth mentioned that an investigation was initiated following correspondence from the Electoral Commission and the political party Rezistans ek Alternative, which cited potential infringements of the People’s Representation Act concerning candidates’ expenses.
According to the Prime Minister, the investigation is still ongoing, with 11 statements taken from nine individuals.
Concerning the blackmail allegations involving contract awards during the lockdown, Jugnauth stated that the case had initially been referred to the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) but was now being handled by the Financial Crimes Commission, which is currently conducting its investigation.
He also confirmed that the investigation into Kistnen’s autopsy has been completed, incorporating statements from pathologists who have maintained their original findings.
Additionally, he mentioned that on July 12, 2022, a request was made to the Histo-Pathology Institute in France for lung samples, which were corroborated in a report received on November 14, 2022.
Arvin Boolell pressed for details on what measures were being taken to expedite the investigation.
The Prime Minister replied that he is not an investigator and relies on the police to report their progress.
When Boolell raised concerns about video footage stored on a cloud server, Jugnauth responded dismissively, suggesting that Boolell should provide the police with any relevant information he has.
Boolell also inquired if samples from Kistnen’s neck had been sent for further examination. The Prime Minister stated, “I cannot specify what types of samples were sent.”
He was then questioned about Shibchurn’s correspondence with the police commissioner regarding the Kistnen case.
Jugnauth noted that Shibchurn, who is involved in multiple legal issues, had been interrogated by the police and had denied any knowledge of the Kistnen investigation.
The Prime Minister highlighted inconsistencies in Shibchurn’s affidavit, particularly regarding his claim of having met Manan Fakoo in January 2022, despite Fakoo having passed away in January 2021.
Jugnauth described Kistnen’s case as unfortunate but emphasized that such incidents were not unprecedented, referencing other unresolved cases from previous governments.
He continued to underscore the contradictions in Shibchurn’s affidavit.
The atmosphere in the Assembly was notably lively during the session, with a vigilant speaker presiding over colorful exchanges.
Frustration among opposition members was palpable as they protested PM Jugnauth’s responses.
Instead of directly addressing questions on the Kistnen case, the Prime Minister chose to target Simla Kistnen, which incited a series of sharp retorts.
Terms like “laryaz” and “cholo” were thrown around, reflecting the heightened tensions. Speaker Adrien Duval had his hands full maintaining order, advising Rajesh Bhagwan, who had just returned to the Assembly, to focus on the ongoing proceedings.
Source: l’Express