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Dr. Siddick Chady Passes Away at 73



Dr. Siddick Chady Passes Away at 73
Image source: Defi Media

Dr. Siddick Chady, a renowned physician and former government minister, has departed at the age of 73. He had a distinguished career in politics, serving as Minister of Works from 1995 to 1997 and Minister of Environment from 1997 to 2000. He also held the position of President of the Mauritius Ports Authority (MPA).

Born in Rose-Hill, Dr. Chady came from a family of entrepreneurs, including his parents who owned several businesses, including the ABC cinema.

His political career was marked by controversy, with him being pursued for corruption in the Boskalis case.

He was sentenced to 15 months in prison in 2023 and served eight months before being released due to good behavior and completing community service.

Dr. Chady studied medicine in Dublin, where he became close friends with Navin Ramgoolam, the leader of the PTr.

He joined the PTr upon his return to Mauritius and began his political career in 1991 as a candidate for the Alliance Parti Travailliste/PMSD in the constituency of Stanley/Rose-Hill.

Although he lost the election, he was later appointed to the National Assembly as a Best Loser.

In the 1995 general elections, Dr. Chady was elected as a candidate for the Parti Travailliste/MMM alliance in the same constituency, alongside Jayen Cuttaree and Paul Bérenger.

He served as a minister until 2000. In the 2000 general elections, Dr. Chady changed constituencies and ran as a candidate for the Parti Travailliste-PMXD alliance in Port-Louis Maritime and Port-Louis Est.

He was elected alongside Samioullah Lauthan (MSM-MMM) and Mohammad Nanhuck (MSM-MMM).

Dr. Chady’s election as a member of the Parti Travailliste in constituency n°3 was considered unusual, given that it was a stronghold of the rival MMM party.

However, he did not complete his five-year term, resigning from the National Assembly in 2004 due to personal issues related to his private business dealings.

In the 2005 general elections, Dr. Chady ran as a candidate for the social alliance in constituency n°3 but was neither elected nor appointed as a Best Loser, marking the end of his political career. He later became President of the MPA.

Dr. Siddick Chady’s passing leaves behind a legacy of public service and contributions to Mauritian politics.

Source: Defi Media

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