Election Fund Allocation Revealed: Rs 585 Million for Polls

The Electoral Commissioner’s Office has allocated a budget of Rs 585 million for the organization of upcoming elections. A significant portion of this amount, Rs 16 million, has been set aside for the holding of a by-election in constituency number 10, which was necessitated by the resignation of former Minister Vikram Hurdoyal.
The overall cost of the general elections is estimated to be around Rs 330 million, while the municipal elections are expected to cost around Rs 239 million.
This information was revealed by Prime Minister Pravind Jugnauth during a parliamentary session, where he fielded questions from MPs Rajesh Bhagwan of the Mauritian Militant Movement and Patrice Armance of the Mauritian Socialist Democratic Party.
According to Jugnauth, the allocation of funds will cater to various aspects of the electoral process, including voter registration, polling station setup, electoral officer training, and the provision of necessary equipment and materials.
The budget will also cover the costs associated with the deployment of security personnel and emergency services during the polls.
The by-election in constituency number 10 is expected to be a significant event, given the importance of the seat held previously by Hurdoyal.
The election is likely to be closely contested, with several parties and candidates vying for the seat.
In contrast, the municipal elections are expected to be a more routine affair, with voters casting their ballots to elect local representatives.
The allocation of funds for this election is substantial, indicating the significance attached to these polls by the government.
Source: Defi Media