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Former Minister, Sawmynaden Walks Free in Alleged Forgery Charges



Former Minister, Sawmynaden Walks Free in Alleged Forgery Charges
Image source: Defi Media

In a verdict delivered today, the Intermediate Court has acquitted Yogida Sawmynaden, the former Minister of Commerce, on the first charge and adopted a “benefit of doubt” verdict on the second charge in the case known as “Constituency Clerk”.

The 47-year-old Member of Parliament (MP) for the MSM party faced two charges: “forgery of private writing” and “making use of forged private writing”, under articles 111 and 112 of the Penal Code.

The alleged crimes took place on January 28, 2020, at his office in Ebène.

The charges were brought against him by Sakuntala (Simla) Kistnen, who had alleged that she was denied financial assistance by the Mauritius Revenue Authority (MRA) during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The prosecution claimed that Sawmynaden had written a false declaration in response to Kistnen’s complaint.

In her judgment, Magistrate Anusha D. Rawoah concluded that the testimony of Simla Kistnen was riddled with contradictions.

The magistrate’s ruling has effectively cleared Sawmynaden of the forgery charges, bringing an end to the legal proceedings.

Read Full Court Judgment

Source: Defi Media

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