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89 Aspiring Docs Face Medical Exam Struggle



89 Aspiring Docs Face Medical Exam Struggle

It has been reported that 89 candidates are preparing to take the Medical Registration Examinations, a mandatory test required to practice medicine in Mauritius. What’s more alarming is that 51 of these candidates, or over 57%, have already attempted the exam without success.

According to official statistics, 28 candidates have tried the exam three times, while one individual has attempted it a staggering 10 times.

The issue was raised in the Mauritian Parliament by Labour Party deputy Eshan Juman, who expressed concern about the long wait period for candidates to take the exam.

The Health Minister, Kailesh Jagutpal, responded that the exam has been conducted annually since 2013, in accordance with the Medical Council Act, and is coordinated with the National Board of Examinations in India.

However, Minister Jagutpal’s response has been met with criticism, as the current agreement with the Indian Board has expired in September 2023.

The renewal of the agreement requires the approval of the Medical Council of Mauritius, the Mauritius Examinations Syndicate, the Dental Council, the Foreign Affairs Secretary, and both the Indian Health Ministry and Foreign Affairs Ministry.

The controversy surrounding the Medical Registration Examinations highlights the difficulties faced by aspiring doctors in Mauritius.

The long wait period and multiple attempts required to pass the exam have led to frustration and concern among candidates.

With the next exam scheduled to take place in July or August 2024, many are left wondering if the current system is adequate to ensure the quality and integrity of medical practice in Mauritius.

It remains to be seen how the government will address these concerns and ensure a smooth process for candidates seeking to become licensed doctors.

Source: Defi Media

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